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K-6 Curriculum

K - 6 Bible Curriculum

幼稚园:旧约和新约的时间顺序和主题研究, Bible characters including Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Samson, Samuel, David, Daniel, Jonah, and Christ. 主题包括创造,学习圣经,基督的生活,祷告和使命. 感恩节、圣诞节和复活节的课程.

1-2年级:关注圣经的基本教导, including the nature and character of God, qualities of His people and His church, an overview of the Bible, God's attributes, biblical characters, 早期教会,以及认识耶稣和为他而活的意义. Old Testament figures, Ruth, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel, Job and New Testament figures, Jesus, Peter and Paul.

3-4年级:重点学习新约圣经:我们将学习耶稣的诞生, Life, 耶稣的死与复活分享福音的信息! 我们将探讨成为耶稣的朋友和朋友意味着什么,以及朋友如何告诉别人好消息. 我们将探讨使徒保罗,以及神如何宽恕我们,我们还将探讨保罗对外邦信徒的使命. 我们最终审视自己和我们作为教会的身份,审视我们自己的天赋,以及我们如何为耶稣使用这些天赋. Focus in grade 4 on the Old Testament. 我们看看创造和罪的后果. 我们探讨罪的后果如何解释当今世界上所有的坏事. 我们来回答关于这个的护教问题. 然后我们集中在亚伯拉罕之约和神如何遵守他的应许. 接下来我们来看神与以色列人所立的约,以及血祭制度是如何建立的. 我们看到以色列人不能遵守神的律法,一次又一次地失败. 这将帮助我们克服自己的失败和错误. 最后,我们来看神应许亚伯拉罕的以色列国. 神遵守他对亚伯拉罕的应许,今天他也遵守他对我们的应许.

六年级:关注圣经的基本教导, including the nature and character of God, qualities of His people and His church, including chapters titled, God’s Grand Design, Before Foundation, Through the Covenant, Under the Blood, Royal Home, God’s Providence, Life of Jesus, Incarnate Word, Ends of the Earth.

K - 6 Language Arts Curriculum

In elementary Language Arts phonics, reading, writing, 和拼写是联系在一起的,交织在一起,为学生提供坚实的语言艺术基础.  The Foundations and Frameworks program, 利用真实文献培养阅读技能, selected for each student’s ability level, is used throughout the elementary grades.

Kindergarten: Letter and sound recognition, writing all upper and lower case letters, beginning phonics skills, sight words, writing words and sentences, basic punctuation, beginning capitalization, reading strategies, comprehension and fluency

Grade 1: Expand on phonics skills, expand on reading strategies, guided reading and independent reading, reading for comprehension, beginning grammar skills, punctuation, capitalization, beginning parts of speech, introduction to the writing process, simple book reports, journal writing

Grade 2: Parts of speech, sentence structure and usage, writing skills with time-order paragraph, friendly letter, poems, paragraphs, and a research project

3-4年级:在3年级和4年级,我们专注于类似的事情,但4年级需要投入更多的细节, greater length, and a more finished look is expected. Sentence structure, writing mechanics, Time-ordered and Instructional writing, letter writing, conduct a study of nouns, verbs & adjectives, 比较和对比有说服力的写作意图, 以人物发展为重点的小说写作分析, setting and plot structures, 写我们自己的儿童小说或连环画, practice research methods, 在与学校分享的书面报告中概述和笔记. 如果我们在年底有时间,我们会探索不同形式的诗歌. 在周四的这段时间里,特别的时间是用来教授打字技巧的,期望在第三季度的时候能把论文打出来.

四年级:强调独立阅读和技能发展, English grammar and usage, 以及练习使用字典和百科全书的基本参考技巧. 词性和句子结构的详细检查,以帮助学生掌握语法. 写作过程以循序渐进的方式解释,以便在各种写作作业中实施, such as a personal narrative, a research report, and a business letter.

五年级:强调独立阅读和技能发展,传统语法以及重要参考技能的练习,并逐步使用八种不同类型的写作作业的写作过程, such as compare-contract essays, persuasive business letters, diamantes, and more. 使用同义词典和写作模型与资源技能练习和强化, abbreviations, prepositions, homophones, and diagramming models.

六年级:通过使用真实文献的基础和框架课程培养阅读技能, selected for each student’s ability level.  写作和语法包括词性的研究, personal narrative, newspaper editorial, research project, historical fiction, compare-contrast, essay, poetry and a cover letter. 说明性、说服力、描述性和叙事性写作贯穿这些练习.


K-6 Math Curriculum

数学课程的重点是上帝创造的宇宙秩序.  课程让学生看到神有一个完美的计划.  他们还学习如何利用上帝创造的秩序来解决问题.

Kindergarten: Numbers through 100, count to 100 by twos, fives, and tens, sorting patterning, graphing, measurement, time to the hour and half hour, introduction to money, simple addition and subtraction, solving word problems

Grade 1: Patterns, addition and subtraction facts to 18, two-digit addition and subtraction, introduction to geometry and fractions, counting to 100, place value, graphs, time, money, measurement, word problems, critical thinking skills

二年级:加法和减法的事实,18, place value, money, time, geometry and fractions, measurements, two digit addition and subtraction, computation skills and word problems

Grade 3: Place value, review of addition and subtraction facts, 从0到18的乘法和除法, money, geometry, measurements, graphs, time, money, and problem solving

六年级:数值表达式和方程, decimals, number theory and fraction concepts, operations with fractions, rate, ratio, and proportion, percentages, algebra - integers and rational numbers, inequalities, equations, and graphs, geometry - lines, angles, polygons and circles, measurement calculations, data, graphs and probability



K-6 Science Curriculum

科学课程引导学生看到上帝的手在他们周围的世界.  The material and 探究的过程会丰富他们的创造知识, affirm their faith in the creator, 并使他们成为创造的好管家.  

Kindergarten: Appreciating God's creation, learning about birds, bugs, magnets, seasons, water, human bodies, weather, rocks, oceans, sun, moon, plants, and animals. Experiencing hands-on activities.

Grade 2: Bones and muscles, health and safety, animals, liquids and solids, position and motion, buoyancy and boats

Grade 3: Circulatory and respiratory system, plants, forces and electricity, heat and temperature, soil, natural resources, and structures

4 - 5年级:科学研究、力与运动、器官系统、天气、矿物、岩石 & earth’s structures

6级:免疫和神经系统的科学研究, diversity of life, energy, electricity, matter, weather, flight


K-6 Social Studies Curriculum

The social studies curriculum, 由鲍勃琼斯大学出版社遗产研究文本支持, integrates Bible, citizenship, cultures, economics, geography, 政府和历史来揭示上帝的智慧, omnipotence, 主权和仁慈在我们周围的世界.

Kindergarten: Geography: US landmarks. History: Native Americans, colonial life. 文化:家庭、社区帮助者、西班牙文化、圣经时代、农业、美国庆典.

2 -3年级:美国历史,从早期探险家和印第安人到南北战争.

4 - 5年级:美国历史,从19世纪末的汽车发明到2015年的清洁能源计划, 包括汽车和飞机的发明及其影响, World War I, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, struggles over civil rights, the war on terror, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and immigration decisions

Grade 6: Historical beginnings, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Israel, India, China, Persia, Greece, and Rome, the Byzantine Empire, Mesoamerican, Ancient Africa, Japan and the Middle Ages in Europe